Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Check out our mud hut. Thats in the missionary compound in Kadougou.

A few days in and things are going very well so far. We took a day at the beach on Saturday to relax before the 13 hour cab ride from Dakar to Kadougou.

The beach is at a great location where there are a lot of big waves which we took advantage of going body boarding... Don't jump too early before the wave comes otherwise the wave will go right past you. I payed into this info over a 45 boring minute period wading in the water with lots of salt water in the eyes. I was pretty much a buoy not going anywhere. LOL

We got a great deal on a cab since it's Ramadan, which is the end of a fast, and business is slow. Jimmy's an experienced negotiator. We passed many muslim groupings along the side of the road who were surrounding a priest making goat sacrifices fro Ramadan.

I'm thankful that "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified."-Hebrews 4:10

So we arrived In Kadougou 2 nights ago in darkness again and we set up for the night with a small dinky solar flashlight trying to find everything. Haha, yesterday we cleaned out the huts all day; sweeping, mopping, scaring off lizards.

Jesse has managed to put together that which we were both thinking... a blowdart tube and arrow. Last night going to bed he found a lizard in his sleeping bag.... after he got in! His first kill! haha

In the local store there's a lot of baguettes not too much meat. The protein staple is lookin' like sardines baby! Fanta is also very popular.

Yesterday at lunch with our neighbour they served a community dish of rice with a peanut sauce with chili peppers and then after as is customary, tea. This isn't any regular tea my friends. Take a tea cup fill it to the top with sugar cubes (reminds of my first few times trying coffee) and add water and some tea leaves... Wowy! they refill the tea pot 3 times and it gradually weakens but guests are always blessed with the first 2 servings.